COVID-19 Update: Wednesday, March 18, 2020
Monday evening (March 16, 2020), the Kentucky Board of Dentistry instructed dental care professionals to postpone elective and non-urgent treatments for a period of three weeks to limit the spread of the novel coronavirus outbreak. We support this decision to limit public risk, and we will continue to see patients to provide urgent and emergency dental care. Our priority for the next three weeks (through April 7, 2020) is to keep patients with dental emergencies out of our hospitals and emergency departments. At this moment, proper allocation of health care resources is paramount.
If you are experiencing a dental emergency involving dental pain, swelling in the gums, mouth or jaw, drainage or signs of infection, please contact our office to inform us of your concerns. We will follow the protocols listed below:
Describe your symptoms to our office staff. If treatment or examination is needed, you will be given a specific time to arrive at our office.
When you come for your visit. please park in the parking lot behind our office (across N. Columbia Avenue from Druther’s Restaurant) and call the office number to let us know you have arrived.
When your treatment room is ready, our staff will escort you directly to your treatment room. We want to avoid crowded waiting rooms during this time of social distancing.
Please do not bring additional family members or friends for your appointment unless an escort is necessary for transportation or medical decision-making in cases involving underage patients or those with cognitive impairment.
We will continue practicing CDC and OSHA guidelines for sterilization and disinfection of our instruments, treatment areas, and common areas. The CDC continues to state that these techniques exceed the necessary requirements to destroy this particular virus.
We will be modifying our hours to remain open while limiting the risk of exposure and transmission to our staff. Emergency exams and treatment will be scheduled between the hours of 8:00AM and 12:00PM on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday. If you have an emergency after hours, please reach us on our after-hours emergency number: 270-883-2687. You can call or text this number to describe your concerns.
We want to continue to fulfill our mission of caring for our patients while simultaneously doing our part to keep this outbreak under control. Thank you for your trust in our practice and for your understanding during these unique times.